Thursday, January 21, 2010

Coaching Tip of the Week 1/21/2010

Have struggling readers who would still like to participate in Battle of the Books? Try getting them into an audiobook! Audiobooks are available on CD at Douglas County Libraries for the following BOTB titles:

3rd/4th Grade
The Christmas Rat
Henry Huggins
Lily's Crossing
Little House on the Prairie
Penny from Heaven
The Report Card

5th/6th Grade
The Black Stallion
Fighting Ground
The Girl who Owned a City
Homer Price
The House with a Clock in Its Walls
The Report Card

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Battle of the Book Schedule 2010 - Parker

Wednesday April 7th
4:20 Iron Horse vs. Mammoth Heights 3/4
5:00 Iron Horse vs. Mammoth Heights 5/6
5:40 Core Knowledge vs. Pine Lane 3/4
6:20 Core Knowledge vs. Pine Lane 5/6

Thursday April 8th
4:20 Prairie Crossing vs. Pine Grove 3/4
5:00 Prairie Crossing vs. Pine Grove 5/6
5:40 Gold Rush vs. Pioneer 3/4
6:20 Gold Rush vs. Pioneer 5/6

Wednesday April 14th
4:20 Mammoth Heights vs. Prairie Crossing 3/4
5:00 Mammoth Heights vs. Prairie Crossing 5/6
5:40 Pine Lane vs. Gold Rush 3/4
6:20 Pine Lane vs. Gold Rush 5/6

Thursday April 15th
4:20 Pine Grove vs. Iron Horse 3/4
5:00 Pine Grove vs. Iron Horse 5/6
5:40 Pioneer vs. Core Knowledge 3/4
6:20 Pioneer vs. Core Knowledge 5/6

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Battle of the Books Schedule 2010 - Highlands Ranch

Wednesday, March 31st
4:30 Saddle Ranch vs. Cougar Run 3/4
5:00 Saddle Ranch vs. Cougar Run 5/6
5:30 Stone Mountain vs. Academy Charter 3/4
6:00 Stone Mountain vs. Academy Charter 5/6
6:30 Northridge vs. Eldorado 3/4
7:00 Northridge vs. Eldorado 5/6

Thursday April 1st
4:30 Copper Mesa vs. Acres Green 3/4
5:00 Copper Mesa vs. Acres Green 5/6
5:30 Eagle Ridge vs. Platte River Academy 3/4
6:00 Eagle Ridge vs. Platte River Academy 5/6
6:30 Trailblazer vs. Heritage 3/4
7:00 Trailblazer vs. Heritage 5/6

Wednesday April 7th
4:30 Saddle Ranch vs. Trailblazer 3/4
5:00 Saddle Ranch vs. Trailblazer 5/6
5:30 Stone Mountain vs. Heritage 3/4
6:00 Stone Mountain vs. Heritage 5/6
6:30 Northridge vs. Eagle Ridge 3/4
7:00 Northridge vs. Eagle Ridge 5/6

Thursday April 8th
4:30 Copper Mesa vs. Platte River Academy 3/4
5:00 Copper Mesa vs. Platte River Academy 5/6
5:30 Acres Green vs. Eldorado 3/4
6:00 Acres Green vs. Eldorado 5/6
6:30 Academy Charter vs. Cougar Run 3/4
7:00 Academy Charter vs. Cougar Run 5/6

Wednesday April 14th
4:30 Saddle Ranch vs. Heritage 3/4
5:00 Saddle Ranch vs. Heritage 5/6
5:30 Stone Mountain vs. Cougar Run 3/4
6:00 Stone Mountain vs. Cougar Run 5/6
6:30 Northridge vs. Platte River Academy 3/4
7:00 Northridge vs. Platte River Academy 5/6

Thursday April 15th
4:30 Copper Mesa vs. Eldorado 3/4
5:00 Copper Mesa vs. Eldorado 5/6
5:30 Eagle Ridge vs. Acres Green 3/4
6:00 Eagle Ridge vs. Acres Green 5/6
6:30 Trailblazer vs. Academy Charter 3/4
7:00 Trailblazer vs. Academy Charter 5/6

Wednesday April 21st
4:30 Saddle Ranch vs. Academy Charter 3/4
5:00 Saddle Ranch vs. Academy Charter 5/6
5:30 Stone Mountain vs. Trailblazer 3/4
6:00 Stone Mountain vs. Trailblazer 5/6
6:30 Northridge vs. Acres Green 3/4
7:00 Northridge vs. Acres Green 5/6

Thursday April 22nd
4:30 Heritage vs. Cougar Run 3/4
5:00 Heritage vs. Cougar Run 5/6
5:30 Platte River Academy vs. Eldorado 3/4
6:00 Platte River Academy vs. Eldorado 5/6
6:30 Copper Mesa vs. Eagle Ridge 3/4
7:00 Copper Mesa vs. Eagle Ridge 5/6

Coaching Tip of the Week 1/12/2010

Are your parents and volunteers reading the Battle books? Why not stage a "mock" battle pitting kids vs. adults?? Use the questions made up by your kids (or the practice questions given to you), and hold a competition during one of your normal practice times. The kids will have fun beating the tar out of their parents ('cause you know that's how it will go down), and they'll get more comfortable with the official battle format. Order some pizza to make it a special event, and invite spectators. Happy coaching!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coaching Tip of the Week 1/7/2010

Hey coaches! Looking for something fun and different to do with your teams? Why not try a rousing game of charades - Battle of the Books style! Break your kids into 2 or 3 teams, and have groups act out scenes (or act out a character) from some of the Battle of the Books titles. Give your kids some advance notice, so they can work out their parts. Make it into a competition to raise the stakes! Have fun!